Sunday 11 April 2021

I had my

vaccination party last night. Roy, Mark, Joe, Rosemary and Donny were there, as well as Jewel -- who is the man I share an apartment with in Toronto. We had a lot of fun. My friend Roy arrived early looking very dapper; I am always amazed at his hair, at age fifty it is plump and perfectly coiffed — and he was wearing purple pants which I quite coveted. (Roy is my ‘conspiracy theorist’ friend who often says ‘I’m just asking a question, that’s all’ which I try and ignore, but when he’s not ‘just asking questions’ he is being very smart and funny and dirty which is what I really value about him, or anyone.) Roy is an ex-concert pianist but Jewel couldn’t get him to play the piano —that night, anyway. The first person to arrive was Mark, I had no idea that meeting him would be momentous, but it was. I went down to let  Mark and Roy in, so Mark ran up to the apartment as I chatted with Roy outside. When we got back up Mark was dancing (Jewel had set up a disco ball and had put on some disco music). I noticed right away that Mark looked like a slender young man — even though he was not one — and ‘ex-slender young men’ are precisely my type. He was dancing in a winsome sort of way, which was his wont. Mark is generally gentle and unassuming. I have seen Mark 'around' for years, but barely said hello to him, which says something about me, and about COVID-19. But coming back up to the apartment and finding him all by himself dancing -- I was suddenly taken with him. So Roy and I started chatting with Mark immediately, and right away I was afraid Roy was captivated by Mark’s winsomeness also. But really when it comes down to it, the party was for me. Mark was one of the two gay friends Jewel had invited. Even though Jewel is not himself gay, he has many gay friends — and it seems that Joe and Mark were both somewhat taken by my celebrity, or my ex-celebrity. I know. It all sounds very sad, doesn’t it? That I would be obsessed with my own ex-celebrity? But truth be told it’s nice to be recognised now and then. Next to arrive was Joe — Jewel’s other gay friend. Joe was definitely a handful, meaning the most sex-obsessed queen I have met in a long time, and that’s saying a lot. He immediately cornered me and asked my opinion on just about everything. Later it turned out — and I had suspected this — that Joe and I had sex at some point in the distant past (at the bathhouse) -- he had quite the tale to tell about me leading him around on a leash, or something. I honestly don't remember. I felt bad for Jewel —who suddenly burst out of the shower — all freshly washed and handsome — because the only people there were two of his gay friends obsessed by my ex-celebritiness, and my personal friend (the conspiracy theorist and ex-concert pianist). But after all it as was my vaccination party -- and no one else's -- so I tried not to feel bad about it. Soon Rosemary arrived —   a lovely very dark girl with large breasts, etc., and Jewel began to insist that she pull up her shirt, which I think she did, but honestly I was too busy to notice. Sometime much later Donny arrived —a straight filmmaker who wears a black ladies wig and is extremely unprepossessing. I don’t dislike him, but he makes himself hard to notice by sitting in corners and chatting with Jewel all the time. So the party went on — I at one point became obsessed with hearing Tom Jones. (I know Jewel has one of his albums.) I adore Tom Jones, partially because when I was 12 I went to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins in Connecticut. My aunt was about 45 at the time and addicted to sherry (she used to work at the liquor store). 'Aunt Peg' was very large and loud — and while downing a glass announced:’We’re going to see Tom Jones in New York City. He’s going to get me through menopause!” I quite know how she feels, now. Even to this day I still have fond memories of my Aunt Peg, though on that very trip she chased me around the picnic table because I refused to eat my crusts “You’re going to finish this sandwich!” she yelled. I think she thought that I thought I was 'above' eating crusts. She didn’t mention the starving people in Africa but they were also on her mind. So finally Tom Jones came on and I was very drunk. Mark said he was going downstairs to have a cigarette so I followed him. As soon as we got outside  we started necking — it just happened, honestly — he just hiked himself up on a flower box so he was perfect kissing height—and it was just so easy to kiss him. He is certainly very old, maybe even as old as me, but his long hair hangs down over his face (he kind of resembles ‘IT’ on the Adams family) that if I closed my eyes and kissed him he was suddenly a very sweet young man. We went back upstairs and people were very very drunk. Jewel makes fabulous videos of himself singing and doing various other.things -- often shirtless -- as Jewel used to be a male stripper and is the gayest straight man I’ve ever met. This does not mean that he has any desire to have sex with men, he just kind of wishes he was gay, and has a gay soul, and there aren’t many straight men like that. (For instance, Jewel sculpted a bust of John Waters which is also signed by John Waters. Not many straight men would do that.) Anyway Jewel took his gang — Donny and Rosemary—  into his room to look at videos of his fabulous shirtless self, and Joe and Roy were talking (Joe never tires of recounting his sexual exploits which are very very extensive) so I dragged Mark outside again and we fooled around. I was pleased to see that Mark was well endowed — it is amazing what nature giveth -- and what she taketh away. He just said modestly: ‘Yeah, I’m a skinny little guy you would never know.” He told me he was staying at The Town Inn where his friends had been having some sort of orgy for days. Before the party ended Mark gave me his ‘card’—  I still have it. It really was the nicest way to celebrate my vaccination; I hope to have another vaccination party in August after the second dose. That is, if I don’t die of a blood clot after the first (it was Astra Zeneca). If you play your cards right, you might just get invited.